I decided to switch brands on MSM. I used to take Spring Valley from Walmart, but I have a feeling it is not pure MSM. I try to be very cautious of what I put in my body. So I decided that my vitamins have to be the real thing. So I found a website called Nutrition Express and I bought the Lindberg brand. It said it was pure and it had great reviews so I'll give this a try.
I also decided to add a new supplement to my regimen. It's a mix of Choline & Inositol. I decided to add it, after I did a research of its benefits.
Here's a list of some of its benefits that I came across online:
- Inositol encourages hair growth and can help prevent baldness.
- It stabilizes the cell membranes, and its antioxidant property safeguards the hair follicles from damage.
- Coffee kills this nutrient. Caffeine will destroy it, especially if taken in high dosage.
- Helps in controlling estrogen levels and may assist in preventing breast lumps.
- Choline should be taken in the same amount as Inositol. (Best to take the entire B group vitamins with it) - My B-Complex doesn't list Inositol or Choline in the ingredients, that's why I purchased them separately.
- You can also consume Inositol with a diet of wheat germ, Brewer's yeast, veal, pork, liver, brown rice, wheat bran, oat flakes, nuts, vegetables, cantaloupe, raisins, and bananas.